The New World
To create a new country in a new world. Designing the identity of the country; a name, a short bio, flag, map, set of stamps and a first day cover were to be designed.
Diwani Islands
Land Area: 13,687 SQ mi ( 35,450
Population (2015 est): 665,105
Capital and largest city: Volkeno Ailan, 387,324
The six islands of Diwani were once separate islands ruled by the different tribal leaders of the independent islands, each with different cultures, which have formed the nation of what it is now. An iconic landmark within the six islands is a cave painting dating back to the origin of the islands, produced by the local tribes, depicting the volcano deity. A treaty was signed by the six Island tribes to form the nation and settle the historic conflict between the tribes from over the years, and the nation today is seen as a peaceful amongst the other nations.
The nation’s main source of the industry consists of fisheries, forestry’s with the occasional season for tourism. As forestry is the main source of income for the nation to function a re-afforestation company has been set up for the environment stability.